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Sifting and Winnowing

Sifting and Winnowing

My heart pounded as I braved my re-entry into my writing space. I simply did not want to work on another uninspired blog post. Why, I didn’t know. But I knew I needed to identify the source of my resistance to what I’m passionate about—writing.




Sometimes a child instinctively knows the right words to say to make you feel good. But I’m always shocked at the wisdom and spiritual insight they may exhibit, even if they aren’t aware of it.


Staying on Course

Staying on Course

I failed to consider the length of the trail when I started walking it.

Temptations and expectations. I had hoped that a two-mile, brisk walk along a wooded path overlooking a beautiful golf course near my home would clear the cobweb of worry from my mind. 

Instead, my impulsive, adventuresome nature ignored the signpost, describing this four-mile loop through the challenging hills and valleys in Central Arkansas. (more…)



Photo/TaraRossSometimes God leads us to do the impossible.

As I waited for the sunrise to go for my walk, it started raining. I thought, Oh, no! If I don’t go for a walk now, I won’t get to go at all today!

Simple problems. Sometimes even the simplest challenge can seem impossible at the moment. I also realize that my emotions can cause me to exaggerate my problems at times. (more…)