Karen Jordan
Faith and Family Stories
Distracted from Your Work?
"I am doing a great work and cannot come down . . . (Neh. 6:3 HCSB). A friend reminded me of this scripture a few days ago. [Thanks, Anita.] Not only do I admire Nehemiah’s perseverance, I admire his ability to resist the temptation to get distracted and pulled away...
Writing Dilemma
I haven't posted for awhile on my own blog. So, here I go again--making excuses. I think I'll just let someone else explain the problem. Honestly, I just get tired just thinking about it. Read this article by Leslie Leyland Fields on the WordServe Water Cooler--"The...
Tripping Down Memory Lane
As I prepared to speak at my childhood church recently, I recalled some vivid memories and stories about the people and events connected to that place. Memory. I’ll never forget one of the first time I served in the fellowship hall of that church as an adult. I had...
Enough Grace for the New Year
As I considered a few changes for the new year, I chose the word—ENOUGH—as my one word to help me get back on track in 2014. It may be more accurate to say that this one word—ENOUGH—chose me. It just rolled out of my restless heart and consumed my anxious thoughts...
Bittersweet Christmas Memories
Christmas often brings bittersweet memories. So, how do I change my focus from the bitter to the sweet? Remember. On a dark, lonely night long ago, while shepherds watched their flocks, something happened to them that changed their lives forever. Suddenly, an angel...
Giving Thanks for Family this Thanksgiving
YouTube/Karen ("Thank You" The Katinas)